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Amanda Brown
Major: IDS
What I hope to do with this class: experience history and maybe understand how it affected people's thoughts and decisions.
Personal Online Presentation Material:
Group Number: ---
Term: ---
Final Paper
Amanda Final Presentation
The Nineteenth Century in Print and Making of America Project: finding an artifact from after 1865
Find and identify an artifact from online databases above.
Find and identify three possible primary texts for your final paper (American literature written before 1865 that is not being studied in class)
Race, Sex, and Citizenship: Redefining America
Think about the course theme of race, sex, and citizenship in ethnic American literature. In 3-5 paragraphs, define this theme/term (or some other theme from the course). What are the criteria for your theme/term? When and where do we see this theme/term being used (and how)?
Doing a Close Reading
Select one passage from the text and do a close reading (3-5 paragraphs). The close reading should tie into the theme for the paper.
Making Connections: texts and artifacts
Think about the course theme of American encounters. In 3-5 paragraphs, discuss how you see this theme (or some other theme from the course) developing in both your artifact and one of your primary texts
Secondary Sources
Create a list of possible sources (5 secondary, scholarly texts) from your annotated bibliography.
See "Primary vs Secondary Sources" if you have questions about what constitutes secondary texts.
Thesis and Outline
Revising a Paper
Reflection Letter and Participation
3/23/16 classwork

- American dream (unattainable)
- Extreme
- 2011
- whether it is better to have money and be risky or have little money and be safe
- Realistic
- around 1950s
Daily Course Work
Sudden Fiction
- What was the main point of the article we read about short fiction: Remarkable Reinvention of Very Short Fiction? What EVIDENCE did the author give to support this claim?
It talks about how literary fictions have evolved from being full length stories and novels to being very short stories almost equal to poems where you have to make your point in a short amount of words. The article often equates that literary works should be similar to the way The Simpsons work. It also talks about how the internet now a days affects our will to read long stories.
- How does this relate to the short stories we read from Sudden Fiction?
The short stories in Sudden Fiction relate to this article in the way I felt about reading them. I was completely prepared to read the microficition stories because they were only a paragraph long, but when I saw the length of Don Quixote and Montezuma.
- In "Cannibals and Explorers" - a MICROSTORY - Ana Maria Shua makes a commentary about the behavior of European explorers and in the New World. What is she saying? How does the condensed form of the microstory enhance her message?
I feel like this story is talking about how the cannibals were used to doing their own thing, but eventually they had to be forced to fit into society. An interesting line that she used was "The cannibals prefer the heart and the brain..." This was interesting because for a second it confused me because in a way the explorers were the ones who did this to the cannibals by making them think the way the explorers do and by making them be more like the explorers. Another thing I thought was interesting was when she talked about the cannibals "delivering scholarly lectures on cannibals" This is kind of like saying that the explorers took the cannibals away from their culture and made them inform the explorers about something that used to be. This would be like saying that you aren't allowed to do something, but you can teach other people to do this thing instead. (which is kind of messed up). Her point is enhanced because there is repetition in the way that she forms her sentences. The short amount of time that she makes her point allows a lot of room for interpretation too.
- How does Fernando Benavidez's story "Montezuma, My Revolver" related the history of conflict between Native Americans and Europeans to the present? Why is this significant?
If you look at Cano and his tribe of workers as European explorers then you see a connection to how the narrator (natives) did not trust the main person (the explorers as a whole), but trusted individual people such as Bobbly Loco and Chuy. But in the end their allegiance was with Cano. So basically the natives got back stabbed by the few explorers that they trusted and tried to help.
- Don Quixote is a satiric Spanish epic critiquing Spanish military and chivalric ideals (and actions). It was written by Miguel de Cervantes in the 1600s (as Spain sent conquistadors to plunder the New World). What do you think Juan Martinez is saying about the relationship between modern life and the past in "Customer Service at the Karaoke Don Quixote"?
I think this story could be saying that in the past people would easily be able to let go and not care about what others were thinking. They would just do their own thing and not be picky about the circumstances, but in the modern day people are afraid to be themselves because society might think poorly of them. It talks about how people try to find new places to go because "in their fantasy of going places, they're thinking they might let go a little because no one knows them" This is interesting because even if I went somewhere and I didn't know people I still wouldn't feel comfortable enough to feel free to let loose and go sing and such.
New Bedford Samurai questions
Would he rather live in Japan or the U.S. and why does he make the decision(s) to live where he does?
I think he would rather be in Japan because he goes through so much work to get back into Japan.
How does Manjiro relate to the ocean (use the map above and the text)?
He uses the ocean as a sort of second home. He grew up there and now the only thing that may remind him vaguely of home is the water.
If the roles were switched, could Manjiro have been as successful?
I think that Manjiro would not have done as well because he would not have had the background on the rules of Japan. Japan is a very honor regulated society. The fact that Americans were going places and seeing other countries, but the Japanese were not makes Americans more open to visitors than Japan would have been.
Name (paper): Amanda Brown
Name (reviewer 1): Allie Campbell
Name (reviewer 2): Matthew Mullins
American Literature I Final Paper Rubric
Strong thesis at the conclusion of the introduction to guide the paper.
Thesis connected and supported in all body paragraphs.
Thesis makes a strong argument about a single theme or idea using the primary text and artifact.
Discussion of the primary text and artifact is coherent and succinct.
Thesis is vague or spread throughout the introduction and the paper.
Thesis is not clearly connected to all body paragraphs.
Thesis does not make a strong argument about the primary text and/or artifact.
Hope to see a paper from you soon!
Close Reading
Analyzes the theme of the American hero in or through a primary text and artifact.
Close reading brings the primary text and artifact together in meaningful ways.
Places close reading in conversation with secondary sources.
Summarizes and paraphrases evidence from the primary text to support the close reading (only using direct quotes when it is necessary to analyze the language).
Does not clearly analyze a theme from American Literature in or through a primary text and/or artifact.
Close reading does not relate the primary text and artifact in meaningful ways (although it may discuss both separately).
Does not situate close reading among secondary sources.
Primarily summarizes the text or quotes it (rather than analyzing it).
Support (Research)
Integrates support from secondary sources to support close reading.
Creates a clear conversation with secondary sources (without being overpowered by them).
Uses strong evidence from secondary sources.
Summarizes and paraphrases evidence except when quotations are necessary.
Does not integrate support from secondary sources.
Argument is either overpowered or disconnected from secondary sources.
Evidence from secondary sources is not clearly connected with the argument.
Uses unnecessary quotes from the secondary source.
Completed all pre-writing activities on-time (including conferences and rough draft workshop)
Did not complete all pre-writing activities on-time.
Addresses the main points of the paper in a succinct and engaging way.
Interactive and creative online presentation with text and visual elements (NOT a power point)
Does not address the main points of the paper.
Is not interactive or online.
Does not include text and/or visual elements.
Final Paper
Comments (11)
Abigail Heiniger said
at 2:06 pm on Jan 18, 2016
Great job setting up your roster page! Welcome to the class!
Allie Campbell said
at 3:52 pm on Feb 10, 2016
Great Job Amanda well worded and thought out! I admire how much thought you put into every answer!
Dre Fourie said
at 5:04 pm on Feb 10, 2016
I like how your answers are like short stories themselves, even though they are brief, they say everything you want them to and effectively get your point across.
Abigail Heiniger said
at 5:54 pm on Feb 10, 2016
Abigail Heiniger said
at 8:37 pm on Feb 27, 2016
Good discussion questions (but it looks like you might be missing one)!
Abigail Heiniger said
at 8:37 pm on Feb 27, 2016
I don't see your artifact here. Happy to talk during office hours if you are having any trouble finding one.
Abigail Heiniger said
at 8:38 pm on Feb 27, 2016
I don't see your questions/responses for the guest lecture here. Let me know if I missed them.
Abigail Heiniger said
at 9:40 pm on Mar 20, 2016
I don't see any of your material for the final paper here.
Abigail Heiniger said
at 8:26 pm on Mar 31, 2016
I don't see any of your material for the final paper here. I would be happy to talk if you have questions.
Allie Campbell said
at 12:40 pm on Apr 22, 2016
Amanda, I do not see your rough draft on here. If you need help ask me!
Megan Norton said
at 3:08 pm on Apr 23, 2016
Hey, where's your rough draft?
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